Test Details
Ordering Code
CPT-4 Code(s)
Specimen Information
Patient Preparation
Avoid seafood consumption for 48 hours prior to collection.
24 hour urine in acid-washed or metal-free container
Specimen Preparation
Collect 24 hour urine in acid washed container. Mix well and send 7.0 mL
urine frozen in acid washed screw capped plastic container.
Record total volume on specimen container and test requisition. Call lab for collection container.
A complete heavy metal form must accompany sample. Tests performed on a specimen
submitted in a non-trace element tube or non acid washed/non metal free container may not
accurately reflect the patients level. If a non-trace element tube/container is received, it will be
accepted for testing. However, elevated results shall be reported with a message that a re-
submission with a trace element tube/container is recommended.
urine frozen in acid washed screw capped plastic container.
Record total volume on specimen container and test requisition. Call lab for collection container.
A complete heavy metal form must accompany sample. Tests performed on a specimen
submitted in a non-trace element tube or non acid washed/non metal free container may not
accurately reflect the patients level. If a non-trace element tube/container is received, it will be
accepted for testing. However, elevated results shall be reported with a message that a re-
submission with a trace element tube/container is recommended.
Minimum Volume
3.0 mL
Transport Temperature
Rejection Criteria
Sample acidified with HCl
Room temperature: 48 hours
Refrigerated: 5 days
Frozen: 14 days
Refrigerated: 5 days
Frozen: 14 days
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Reference Range
<80 mcg/L
Performing Laboratory
New York DOH Approval Status