Test Details
Ordering Code
CPT-4 Code(s)
Specimen Information
Tumor tissue
Specimen Preparation
Send formalin-fixed tissue and/or paraffin embedded tissue. Send tissue block or 5 unstained 5-
micron slides. Protect from excessive heat. Tissue block will be returned after testing. Please
include pathology report.
If sending multiple samples, please indicate that the ARUP pathologist should choose the
specimen most appropriate for testing, or submit individual orders for each sample submitted.
micron slides. Protect from excessive heat. Tissue block will be returned after testing. Please
include pathology report.
If sending multiple samples, please indicate that the ARUP pathologist should choose the
specimen most appropriate for testing, or submit individual orders for each sample submitted.
Minimum Volume
5 slides (if using)
Transport Temperature
Room temperature
Rejection Criteria
Fixative other than 10 percent neutral buffered formalin, decalcified specimens (except in
EDTA), less than 20 percent tumor.
EDTA), less than 20 percent tumor.
Room Temperature: Indefinitely
Refrigerated: Indefinitely
Frozen: Unacceptable
Refrigerated: Indefinitely
Frozen: Unacceptable
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)
Reference Range
See report
Performing Laboratory
New York DOH Approval Status